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In the Court of King Arthur Page 16
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Page 16
To The Rescue
"Methinks," said King Arthur on the fourth day of their journey intoScotland "that we will not find this Sir Tristram. What say youGawaine?"
"Only that I cannot find it in me to do aught but agree with you," thelatter made reply. "And I advise that we return, for had Tristram madehis journey hitherward we should long ago have had inkling of it."
"So then, we return today, friends," Arthur announced to his knights."We have it in us to hope that Percival and Launcelot have had betterfortune than we."
And none loath, the party joyously made preparations for return. Ithad been an eventless search for the brave knight, Tristram, and thesemen hated inactivity.
"What say you, to sending someone of us to Cadoris announcing that weshall pay him a visit of not more than a day?" So queried the king.
"If there is promise of joust and adventure there," said Pellimore. "Ifor one can see no harm therein. What matters a day more or less?"
The other knights agreed with Pellimore and as Gawaine pointed out, itwas not more than but few leagues from their returnward way.
So the party having first sent Sir Gilbert before them to herald theirapproach arrived at the court of Cadoris, king of Scotland. And neverwas king or knights more royally received than was Arthur and his men.Of a truth, there was warm affection for Arthur, and Cadoris and hisknights, though they held great rivalry, for the Knights of the RoundTable had ever proven honest and worthy opponents.
The stay of the day stretched into the fourth day and not one of KingArthur's party had thought of returning. Jousts were there, muchhunting and activity, enough to suit the most exacting. Howsoever,Arthur announced on the fifth day that they could stay but anotherday.
"Of a truth, am I downright sorry that you must depart. For highlyhave I been honored by your visit, and as greatly have I enjoyed it."Warm spoken was Cadoris.
"And we shall remember your hospitality for many a day," repliedArthur. "If we but make you half as much at home when you visit us,good Cadoris, we shall feel that we have accomplished much. Is it notso, friends?"
"Truly," assented King Arthur's knights. "And I would, your Majesty,that you make that visit right soon," added Gawaine.
"That we surely will," replied Cadoris heartily.
So King Arthur and his men made their preparations having been muchcheered by their stay. And they had turned to their last meal whichwas a sumptuous one and were greatly enjoying it when a servant ofKing Cadoris came into the great dining hall and whispered into theear of Sir Donald, one of the bravest knights in the kingdom ofScotland. He in turn, whispered the news to the king.
"There are two riders without, Arthur, who want word with you," theScottish King announced. "Shall I ask them to wait until we finishthis meal? It were pity to disturb you now and I doubt not theirmessage may wait."
"That may well be so, good friend. Yet, if it disturbs you not, Ishall ask Gawaine here to see these men and find out what message theybear."
Cadoris nodded his head in assent and Gawaine thereupon hastenedoutside the dining hall.
It was none other than Allan he saw. Allan with Breunor le Noire.Great was his surprise at seeing them and greater still, at theiraccount of what had occurred. And when he heard how Launcelot andPercival and the others, together with Sir Tristram were holding thevery castle of King Mark, he shook with a great laughter. So loud wasthis that the kings and the knights at the dining table heard it andwondering greatly, hurried out to find the cause for it. Forgot theirfood for the time being in their curiosity.
The king of Britain was no less surprised to see Allan and thisstranger whom he but faintly recalled. And to him, to Cadoris, and theassembled knights, the two had to recount again what had occurred. Andwhen the full gist of it came home, Arthur brought down a heavy handon the shoulder of Cadoris who was shaking with laughter and himselffell into a seat nearby for very faintness at his own mirth. Whileabout him there was great boisterousness and loud guffaws. A yeomanwho had listened eagerly to the account hurried without and himselfrecounted to the men there what had happened at the court of KingMark. So that there were great shouts, much merriment.
"To think," said King Arthur, "a bare few took King Mark's owncastle. I marvel at their impudence and yet it is but what could beexpected from such as they."
"As for me," said Gawaine, "I would give all I have to have beenthere. And all I ever expect to have, to have been near Mark when herealized what had happened."
"Yet," said Arthur now grown serious, "let us hear what Allan and thisother brave youth are here for. They did not come this great distanceto tell us of their impudence. That, I'll swear."
"Nay, sire," said Allan, who was spokesman because of greateracquaintance with those assembled. "Sir Percival and Sir Launcelotsent Breunor le Noire to you and me with him for aid. For King Mark,furious at the sorry figure he makes has sworn vengeance and has laidsiege to those within his castle. Sir Launcelot sent us with thismessage. That while they could perhaps make their escape yet theythought that you would wish to come to their aid so that they need notrun from King Mark. For they wish to see that king, to look at him.Half the jest they have played lies in that."
"That we will do, of course," replied Arthur. "And though we mustfirst return home to gather our men, yet we will do so quickly andhurry just as quickly to the court of Cornwall. For we too, would liketo see Mark, and though we envy your party its good fortune, yet canwe share in the jest. Say you not so, friends?
"Aye, sire, that we do. Yet haste is indeed necessary." So spoke bothPellimore and Gawaine.
"Methinks, it would be a right friendly act on your part, Arthur,should you allow me and my men to accompany you. So then there willbe no need for you to first return home and thereby save time. For Itoo," added Cadoris, "would like to call on Mark at this time."
"Come then," said King Arthur. "It would not be in us to refuse you.Let us return to finish our food and both of you, we doubt not must beright hungry by now."
So all of them returned to the dining hall. And Gawaine found roomnext to him for Allan and Breunor le Noire.
"How long Allan, is it since you left them?" he asked.
"This is our third day," was the boy's reply.
"How did you escape the besiegers?" Arthur, who with the rest waslistening now inquired.
"It was done at night, sire. We two climbed over the wall. Two yeomenhelped us over. One of King Mark's men saw us and at first mistook usfor men from his own camp. Him, Breunor le Noire, gave little timefor outcry. We gagged and bound him and then Walker and Gouvernailclimbed back for a long rope and lifted him over on the castle side.For we had no wish to have King Mark's men find him and suspect thatsome of those within had gone for aid."
Now the meal was over. Within another hour King Cadoris had gatheredfive hundred of his men. King Mark and his men would never havestomach for affray. When the afternoon's sun was in the low westernsky, the rescuing party was well on its way.